I believe in the inherent capability of any individual or organization to grow and change for the better. And I believe that most individuals have the willingness to do the hard work necessary for that change to happen. The problem is that many individuals don't have the knowledge, skills or experience necessary to make the change they want.
It has been my life-long goal to help people and organizations make the changes they desire, and sometimes need, to function as effectively as possible. As a Licensed Professional Counselor, with many years’ experience helping, leading and managing others, I have the knowledge, skills and experience to help people and organizations achieve the changes they desire.

How I Can Help
Counseling women and men with acute and chronic issues such as aging, childhood abuse or neglect, grief, physical or sexual abuse, stress and substance abuse.
Providing relationship counseling to men and women.
Counseling women and men with mood and/or substance abuse disorders.
Working with men regarding those issues potentially unique to them such as anger, career/employment, education/training, divorce, fatherhood and family, masculinity and relationships.
Working with people with all disabilities by providing them: 1) evaluation and assessment regarding their functional limitations related to employment and independent living; 2) assistance with Vocational Rehabilitation, Independent Living and/or securing Social Security Disability benefits; and 3) assistance in adjusting to their disability or disabilities.
Helping the young and elderly make sound academic, career and vocational choices.
Consulting with and educating other professionals and agencies around issues such as effective communication, decision making, leadership, management, mission and vision, setting and achieving goals, staff development and wellness, sustainability.